Tackling Challenges: 2020-22 Key Initiatives Update From Human Resources Team

November 10, 2020 | UToday
By Staff

The working teams focused on the 2020-22 Key Initiatives identified by Interim President Gregory Postel are developing their plans to tackle current obstacles and explore innovative ideas to prepare UToledo for the future.

The teams will be providing preliminary updates of their planning process over the next several weeks. The campus community is invited to follow along with each team’s progress and offer ideas for improvement and innovation using the online recommendation form.

The Modernize Human Resources team is led by John Elliott, senior associate vice president and chief human resources officer, and Melissa Hurst, executive director of talent strategy and development.

What are the key goals the team hopes to accomplish?
With an overarching institutional goal of creating a solid foundation upon which to build future growth in mind, the goal of the Human Resources Modernization initiative is to design a new customer service tiered organizational structure for HR that is data driven with a focus on high reliability, agility, operational excellence and customer advocacy. Our initiative will focus on the creation of centers of expertise for specific HR programs, processes and policies such as total rewards, training and organizational development and labor relations. Our team also will review essential operations and systems of HR and assess current obstacles in order to provide the highest level of HR services to Main Campus and Health Science Campus.

What processes/issues is the team discussing and reviewing?
Our team will review all essential operations of HR. Currently we are reviewing technology and systems, recruitment and retention programming for UToledo and UTMC, and strategies to develop, train and support our existing talent.

How is the team planning to engage members of the campus community throughout their process?
The HR Modernization team is comprised of members across the University. We have also reached out to key leaders, stakeholders and customers of human resources throughout the organization to learn about their key issues and concerns. We plan to continue this strategy throughout the process and welcome additional feedback through the online recommendation form.

How does the team plan to measure success?
Our team plans to measure success through qualitative and quantitative means as determined by the specific initiative. Our team will continually discuss and measure success throughout the duration of the project.

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