Professional Staff Association Sick Leave Bank enrollment open

March 19, 2015 | UToday
By Staff

Open enrollment for the Professional Staff Association’s Sick Leave Bank will take place through Tuesday, March 31.

The bank is a voluntary program open exclusively to Professional Staff Association (PSA) members on all UT campuses.

Eligible employees are defined in PSA bylaws as “all non-bargaining unit employees on all campuses whether salary or hourly, classified or unclassified, full or part time, excluding those with faculty rank.”

According to Deb Sobczak, chair of the PSA Sick Leave Bank, the bank collects one-time, voluntary donations of sick time from PSA personnel to assist those who may be stricken with catastrophic injury or illness.

“It’s a way to help our colleagues bridge a gap of time between the exhaustion of their benefits from sick, personal and vacation days and when they qualify for long-term, permanent disability benefits,” Sobczak explained. “The bank is used only for PSA Sick Leave Bank members with personal catastrophic illness or injury.”

She said full-time PSA members may donate 16 hours and part-time members may donate eight hours of personal sick time to the bank, which is administered by Human Resources and Talent Development. Participants donate the time only once, no matter how long they continue their employment at UT.

To enroll, go to the HR Labor Relations Forms web page here, look under the Sick Leave Bank-PSA heading and then click on the PSA Sick Leave Bank 2015 donation form link.

Mail the completed form to PSA Sick Leave Bank, care of Deb Sobczak, MS 608, by March 31.

Additional details, including links to the sick leave policy and the list of current Sick Leave Bank members, are available on the PSA Web page here.