Plans are underway to welcome students back to campus. To provide incoming students a better opportunity to build community and have a positive move-in experience during the week of Aug. 20, traffic will be redirected from specific parking lots and roads on Main Campus.
The first students to move on campus starting Tuesday, Aug. 21, will be those who live in Honors Academic Village. UT’s residence halls will welcome students from Thursday, Aug. 23, through Saturday, Aug. 25.
“We’re asking our UT community to please be patient and careful of pedestrians crossing the roads as students move in to their residence halls,” said Sherri Kaspar, manager for parking and transportation.
Students moving in to Honors Academic Village will enter campus from the west entrance on Secor Road and take West Rocket Drive to the building. The most northern two rows of spaces in lot 13 and Honors Drive will be reserved for move-in on Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 21 and 22. Faculty and staff are asked to use Campus Road to access lots 13 and 14 and the west parking garage on these dates.
From Thursday through Saturday, Aug. 23-25, the first two rows in lot 26 will be reserved for students moving in to Academic House and International House. Also, a portion of lot 27B will be dedicated for students moving in to Ottawa House East. Lot 9 will be dedicated to the move-in of Parks Tower.
On Thursday, Aug. 23, lot 8 will be reserved for those moving in to Carter Hall, and lot 27A will be dedicated to students moving in to Ottawa House West Saturday, Aug. 25.
For the complete fall 2018 move-in schedule, click here.