UT Juried Student Exhibition to open Feb. 15

February 13, 2013 | Arts, UToday, — Visual and Performing Arts
By Angela Riddel

The 2013 UT Juried Student Exhibition will open Friday, Feb. 15, at 5 p.m. in the Center for the Visual Arts Gallery on the Toledo Museum of Art Campus.

Works by current University students will be featured in the exhibition, which will be juried by artist Derek Coté, assistant professor of art at Wayne State University.

Coté is a Canadian artist who recently moved to Detroit from Nashville. Many of his exhibitions include illuminated objects that cast striking shadows on gallery walls. Coté is a recipient of a grant from the Pollock Krasner Foundation.

His recent trip to the Arctic Circle resulted in art displayed during “Septentrion: Exploring the Arctic Circle,” a group exhibition in Milwaukee. Another recent project is “22 Hideouts,” in which Coté revisited his previous residences to document them, comparing his memories of the spaces to their actual spatial dimensions.

Coté will speak primarily about his own work and then make a few comments about the UT Juried Student Exhibition.

Some of the awards to be presented at the opening of the exhibition will be the Inga Reynolds Award for Work on Paper of $100, sponsored by Associate Professor Arturo Rodriguez; the Helen Fitzpatrick Fredricks Award of $250, sponsored by Associate Professor Barbara Miner; and the President’s Award of $250, sponsored by UT President Lloyd Jacobs. Also the Raphael Award for Excellence in Drawing of $100 is sponsored by Professor Emeritus Diana Attie, and the College of Visual and Performing Arts Installation Prize of $300 is sponsored by the Dean’s Office.
In addition, the UT Department of Art sponsors a Best of Show Award of $350, a First-Place Award of $275, a Second-Place Award of $200, a Third-Place Award of $100 and two Honorable Mention Awards of $50.

The free, public exhibit will be on display through Friday, March 15. Gallery hours are Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

For more information, contact Ben Pond, lecturer of art and gallery director, at benjamin.pond@utoledo.edu or 419.530.8348.