Student artwork appearing on area digital billboards through February

February 17, 2015 | Arts, Features, UToday, — Communication and the Arts
By Staff

In collaboration with Lamar Outdoor Advertising, the UT College of Communication and the Arts is displaying the work of some of its students on digital billboards in the Toledo area through February.

2014_15_BILLBOARDS_SHORT_LOGO14Barry Whittaker, UT assistant professor of art and coordinator of the project, said this is the third year Lamar Outdoor Advertising has invited art students to have their work displayed.

“This is a chance for them to share their artwork with the city and see it in a format not as frequently accessible by students and artists in other areas of the country,” he said.

To see images in this year’s exhibition, visit the online photo album UT Art Student Billboards 2015 on the Art Department’s Facebook page.

Student artists participating in this year’s exhibition are Aaron Brandt, Nikka Geiermann, Kayla Kirk, Victor Lewis, Michael Miller, Abhishek Mutha, Shaun Nagle, Blake Ody, Grace Parr, Brandy Save, Rebecca Solomon, Michelle Trivisonno and Mark Yappueying.

Their works can be seen at Reynolds Road at Glendale Avenue, Anthony Wayne Trail at City Park Avenue, Alexis Road at Lewis Avenue, Monroe Street at Laskey Road, Byrne Road at Airport Highway, and Monroe Street at Douglas Road.