Free tax preparation help available on campus

March 5, 2015 | UToday, Business and Innovation
By Bob Mackowiak

University of Toledo faculty, staff and students who need help preparing their 2014 tax returns, and who meet eligibility requirements, can obtain free assistance here on campus.

web 2014 taxformThe United Way of Greater Toledo is again offering its Free Tax Preparation program at UT, thanks to the assistance of trained volunteers.

The UT College of Business and Innovation is one of the designated locations providing the free tax preparation assistance. The service is provided, by appointment, in the Alan Barry Accounting Lab, located in the Savage & Associates Business Complex Room 2130.

Several business students, including many accounting majors, are among the volunteer corps helping prepare taxes.

The program is available to individuals and families making $53,000 or less in 2014. Appointments are required and may be made through the United Way by dialing 2.1.1, or 1.800.650.HELP.

This is the fourth year the UT College of Business and Innovation is partnering with the United Way Free Tax Preparation Program.

Last year, the program helped more than 3,400 area taxpayers, bringing more than $4.5 million back to the northwest Ohio community.