Easy as Pi: Math Department invites UT to celebrate Pi Day

March 13, 2017 | UToday, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
By Madison Vasko

Worldwide Pi Day celebrations have been bringing mathematicians and math appreciators alike together for decades.

“Not only is pi an important mathematical constant, but pie is also a great reason for people to get together for fun,” said Dr. Donald B. White, professor and chair in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Pi Day, observed March 14 to recognize the first three digits of the pi constant, is marked by the eating of pie and discussing the significance of pi in mathematics. More than 13 trillion digits of pi have been calculated so far, though only 39 digits are needed to perform most cosmological calculations.

This year, the celebration at UT holds extra significance: “Pi, our centennial celebration year, and Women’s History Month, all in one,” White explained. “For all of 2017, we are celebrating 100 years as a Department of Mathematics, and recently Statistics, and for Pi Day, we hope to have 100 pies. Also, for the Women’s History Month of March, watch the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics’ TV screens for highlights of women who have been great mathematicians and statisticians.”

Attendees can join faculty, staff and students from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics for slices of pizza and dessert on Pi Day, Tuesday, March 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in University Hall Room 2060. The event is free and open to all — while slices last.

After the Pi Day treats, Dr. Nate Iverson, lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, will present a lecture, “Circumference Over Diameter; the Different Universes of Pi.”

Iverson’s lecture will be at 4 p.m. in University Hall Room 4010.

For more information on the lecture, visit the Math Department’s website at math.utoledo.edu/colloquia.html or facebook.com/utmath.