UTMC to celebrate a Happy New Fiscal Year

July 3, 2014 | UToday, UToledo Health
By Staff

No need to wait until January. The University of Toledo Medical Center will celebrate in July with a Happy New Fiscal Year party and educational fair to spotlight the great work of UTMC employees and highlight ways the next fiscal year can be even better.

UTMC 1055 Fiscal New Year flyerThe celebrations will take place in the Four Seasons Bistro Tuesday, July 8, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Wednesday, July 9, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 10 p.m. to midnight.

UTMC CEO Dave Morlock said the celebration is a chance for hospital leaders to say thank you to the people who make UT Medical Center the best hospital in the region.

“Health care is a non-stop business and it is important to pause every now and then and reflect on all the people this team has helped and the amazing things these people have accomplished,” Morlock said. “It’s also an opportunity to look forward to the year ahead and talk about how we can accomplish our goals for the future.”

Morlock said the educational fair will focus on ways to continue to improve patient quality, safety and satisfaction, increase employee engagement, as well as efforts to prepare for the Joint Commission survey expected this fall.

“Our work preparing for the Joint Commission is a great way to adopt and maintain good habits and strong policies and procedures that will improve patient care both before and after the survey is completed,” said Marge McFadden, chief administrative officer for quality and patient safety.

Vicki Riddick, director of service excellence and UT senior wellness officer, said employee engagement was a key part of the event.

“Health care can be stressful, but providing opportunities to socialize and laugh with colleagues and to ensure that employees have an understanding of the thought process behind decisions pulls an organization together and that’s good for everyone,” Riddick said.

Riddick said the fair will include roaming magician Martin Jarret, a professional clown and live keyboard music by David Cunningham, who works in the UT Environmental Services Department.

In addition, ice cream will be available to those who complete the educational circuit, and the party atmosphere will be topped out with New Year hats and paper blowouts.