All benefit-eligible employees are reminded to complete open enrollment by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31, with elections being effective Jan. 1.
By completing open enrollment, you can ensure you have medical, pharmacy, dental and vision coverage that best meet your needs.
“With several changes occurring in various plans this year, such as rate increases and the requirement of prior authorization for some services in plan tiers, it’s really important that each employee read all plan details before making their selections to complete open enrollment,” said Wendy Davis, associate vice president and human resources officer.
The University offers a lot of flexibility in its benefit plans to help ensure every employee can select options that best meet the specific needs of their household, Davis said.
Among changes this year:
• The Blue Medical Plan will move from two tiers (single or family coverage) to three tier premium rates (single/single + 1/family); therefore, employees who have only one member to cover will have a lower premium.
• Health Savings Account contributions for the Blue Medical Plan also will move from two to three tiers, so employees may be able to contribute more in pre-tax dollars. (Note: Participants must participate in the Healthy U program and complete the health risk assessment by Friday, Nov. 16.)
— Single, $500; or if Healthy U requirements are met, $800.
— Single +1, $750; or if Healthy U requirements are met, $1,200.
— Family, $1,000; or if Healthy U requirements are met, $1,600.
• As with the Blue, Gold and Bronze Plans, all tiers of the Silver Plan will now require prior authorization by Paramount for certain medical services and procedures.
• IRS employee contribution limits will increase — Single, $3,500; Single +1 and Family, $7,000.
You may review all plan details at
Further, information about a Health Savings Account, which uses pre-tax dollars to cover many health-related expenses to help you save money, is available here.
To complete open enrollment, log in to your account on the myUT portal. In the Employee tab (at the top of your screen), under Benefits Information on the left, scroll down and select 2019 Open Enrollment to start the process.
“If anyone has questions about a particular plan or needs individual help enrolling online, HR staff members are available to assist,” Davis said.
If you have questions or need assistance with enrolling, contact or 419.530.1470.