Changes announced in Division of Finance and Administration

December 23, 2013 | UToday
By Staff

In a letter to the campus community Wednesday, David Morlock, executive vice president for finance and administration and chief executive officer of the hospitals and health centers, announced a series of administrative changes within his division beginning Jan. 1.

“During the conversations I’ve had these first few months with UT community members, it is my belief that this new structure will help streamline decision-making processes and link like functions more closely together,” Morlock said

The changes include:

• Chuck Lehnert transitioning out of Facilities and Construction as he focuses full time on his new role as vice president for corporate relations;

• Jason Toth’s appointment as associate vice president for facilities and construction;

• Jeff Newton, director of public safety and chief of police, reporting directly to Morlock;

• Vic Brigner, university facilities and biomedical technology officer, and Arlene Fell, director of environmental services, moving administratively under Norma Tomlinson, associate vice president and interim executive director of The University of Toledo Medical Center;

• Bob Boyd, manager of building services, reporting to Toth; and

• Joy Seifert, director of auxiliary services, reporting to Lehnert on an interim basis.

“Thanks to all for your help making these transitions as seamless as possible and for the warm welcome I’ve received since becoming a Rocket,” Morlock said.