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Trio on Women’s Soccer Receive OCSA Academic All-Ohio Honors

January 24, 2024

Toledo forward Madison Medalle also earned OCSA All-Ohio Recognition.

Study Assist

January 23, 2024

First-year medical student Grace Earl, left, helps second-year physician assistant student Andra Grant use ANKI flashcard software as a study tool to prepare for clinicals on Monday afternoon in Mulford Library on Health Science Campus.

Graduate Nursing Student Finds Calling at UToledo

January 22, 2024

Joshua Bender, who is graduating with his master of science in nursing in May, said his decision to choose nursing as a career path was shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

2 UToledo Researchers Among World’s Most Cited

January 22, 2024

Dr. Jon Elhai, a professor in the Department of Psychology, and Dr. Yanfa Yan, Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, are listed among Clarivate’s 2023 Highly Cited Researchers.

UToledo Sperm Researchers Advance Reproductive Science

January 19, 2024

Dr. Tomer Avidor-Reiss, a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, explores an unusual mechanism in mouse reproduction in new research published in Nature Communications.

Guantánamo Bay Experience Inspires Law Student’s Purpose

January 18, 2024

Following her life-changing trip, Kathryn Tucker is now focused on making strides in human rights and international law.

Civil Engineering Student Team Places Third in International Innovation Competition

January 18, 2024

The three seniors and two juniors were competing in the American Society of Civil Engineers 2023 Innovation Contest.

A Frosty Return

January 17, 2024

Braden Puckett, a freshman mechanical engineering student, left, and Cole Jondro, a freshman civil engineering student, walk along Main Campus on a bitterly cold Tuesday, as winter greeted UToledo students on the first day of spring semester 2024.  

UToledo Institute of Constitutional Thought and Leadership to Host Conversation on Trump’s Electoral Eligibility

January 17, 2024

Two leading Constitutional law scholars will discuss former president Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for public office at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 24.

Pandemic Inspires Business Professor’s Research Into Organizational Resilience

January 16, 2024

Dr. Elizabeth Napier, an assistant professor in the Department of Marketing, explored how organizations can withstand, adapt and thrive in the face of unprecedented challenges in research published this month in the Journal of Business Research.