Juneteenth’s Meaning Takes New Shape 3 Years After Federal Recognition

June 14, 2024

Angela Siner, director of the Africana Studies Program and the Anthropology Program, discusses how the observance of Juneteenth has changed over the course of history.

Black History Month 2023: Learn, Enjoy and Take Action

January 31, 2023

Angela Siner, director of the Africana Studies Program and the Anthropology Program, discusses the value of having conversations with individuals of all ages to gain a deeper understanding of Black history.

Do You Have Pandemic Empty-Nest Syndrome?

May 25, 2021

Dr. Victoria Kelly, assistant professor of psychiatry and director of the General Psychiatry Residency program, discusses how parents can cope when kids leave home for a second time. Read: Do You Have Pandemic Empty-Nest Syndrome?