
‘Mystery of First Stars’ unraveled at Way

February 22, 2021

Dr. Eli Visbal, assistant professor in the UToledo Department of Physics and Astronomy, is presenting a virtual lecture through the Way Public Library in Perrysburg to discuss how stars and black holes formed in the early days of the universe on Wednesday, Feb. 24.

Explore background of ‘Batman’

February 17, 2021

Dr. Kristen Geaman, associate lecturer of history, will give a virtual presentation on how Batman has appeared as a father in Golden and Silver Age comics, as well as popular television shows such as the 1966 Adam West series. Read: Explore background of ‘Batman’

Lies, tall tales and reinvention in the blues

January 19, 2021

Dr. Kimberly Mack, UToledo assistant professor of English, discusses her new book that explores how blues artists use their work to invent personas that resist racial, social, economic and gendered oppression. Read: Lies, tall tales and reinvention in the blues

Mack discusses her ‘Fictional Blues’

January 11, 2021

Dr. Kimberly Mack, UToledo assistant professor of English, to discuss her new book Tuesday via Zoom for an event hosted by Way Public Library. Read: Mack discusses her ‘Fictional Blues’