Learn about new human subject research regulations

April 10, 2018 | UToday
By Staff

Conducting research with human subjects? Learn about the final rule, which will go into effect this summer, at a talk Thursday, April 12, at 11 a.m. in Thompson Student Union Room 2591.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and 15 other federal departments and agencies have approved the final rule to better protect human subjects involved in research while reducing delay for investigators. The rule will go into effect Thursday, July 19.

Dr. Hillary Snyder, manager of the Human Research Protection Program and Institutional Review Board, and Nicki Lederer, compliance coordinator in the Office of Research Compliance, will discuss the final rule and how it will affect social, behavioral and education research at the University.

For more information on the free, public presentation, contact Lederer at nicole.lederer@utoledo.edu.