University Adding Curriculum Design Improvements for Faculty, Staff

April 11, 2024 | News, UToday
By Staff

Faculty and staff members who review, add and update courses and programs in the Univeristy’s curriculum inventory management (CIM) system will notice some new changes this spring.

Members of the Provost Office, in collaboration with the University Assessment Committee, worked to add a curriculum mapping feature in CIM. Curriculum mapping is a useful tool in CIM to align learning outcomes between courses, programs, and our overarching institutional learning priorities for students.

The goals of these improvements are:

•  To directly link skills that students obtain in their courses with the skills we expect our students to have upon graduation.

•  To encourage faculty collaboration and communication; and

•  To foster reflective practice and innovation in teaching.

The University Assessment Committee adopted widespread institutional curriculum mapping in January of 2020.

“Moving the emphasis of curriculum mapping into the design of curriculum supports our students,” said Alana Malik, university assessment director, “Allowing them to reap the benefits of educational experiences grounded in our institution’s mission, vision, and values. It ensures that our curricula are structured in strategic and thoughtful ways that enhance student learning and achievement.”

For questions, please contact either Malik at or Cathy Zimmer, director of Academic and Curricular Initiatives, at

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