U.S. News honors UTMC for its commitment to health care’s digital future

October 21, 2015 | News, UToledo Health
By Brandi Barhite

U.S. News & World Report is recognizing The University of Toledo Medical Center for its digital prowess when it comes to patient safety and engagement.

UTMC is one of 126 U.S. medical centers in 34 states to be named Most Connected Hospitals for 2015-16, per U.S. News standards that span both electronic medical records and quality care.

UT Medical Center

UT Medical Center

The selection was based on responses to a set of 26 questions selected by U.S. News from the 2013 American Hospital Association Annual Survey Information Technology Supplement.

“UTMC prides itself on being committed to health care’s digital future,” UTMC CEO Dave Morlock said. “Digital technology is paramount when it comes to the coordination and continuity of care. It promotes informed decision-making by both the health-care workers and the patients. We take pride in helping patients become more directly involved in their health-care management.”

To be considered for Most Connected Hospital status, a hospital had to register a high score in the questions selected from the survey and be among the 954 facilities recognized by U.S. News as nationally ranked or rated as high performing in 2015-16 in Best Hospitals for Complex Care, Best Hospitals for Common Care or Best Children’s Hospitals.

UTMC was evaluated in three areas:

• Clinical connectedness, which rates a hospital’s ability to exchange or share patient information electronically with any provider who needs it;

• Patient safety, which assesses a hospital’s ability to protect patients by using bar-coded wrist bracelets to verify patients’ identities before medications and other treatments are administered; and

• Patient engagement, which gauges a hospital’s ability to offer patients an opportunity to access their electronic medical information and receive updates.

Dr. Bryan Hinch, chief medical information officer at UTMC, said health care is being revolutionized by digital technology.

“The standardization of electronic health records and the sharing of health information in a secure way are a huge boost for health-care quality and safety,” Hinch said. “UTMC is proud to be recognized for our efforts, which are continual because technology is always improving and changing.”