UT offering summer music workshops

May 30, 2014 | Arts, Events, UToday, — Communication and the Arts
By Angela Riddel

From a summer chorus, to workshops and classes in the classics and jazz, The University of Toledo Department of Music is offering a variety of opportunities this summer for singers to learn new music, develop their voices, and to perform.

Taking place this summer:

University Summer Chorus, Tuesdays, June 10-July 10, from 7 to 9 p.m. With the University Summer Chorus, singers can opt to participate in the chorus for free, or they can take the chorus as a class to earn college credit. To take it for college credit, participants must be enrolled as a student or guest student, and the usual tuition and fees for a one credit hour course will apply. A $15 fee to cover the cost of music will apply to all chorus members.

The University Summer Chorus will perform music from Rodgers & Hammerstein and George Gershwin. The chorus will perform Thursday, July 10, at 7 p.m. in the Center for Performing Arts Recital Hall.

After the concert date, students taking the chorus as a class will continue on to participate in the University’s Summer Sings program as part of their class. Non-student chorus members also can participate in Summer Sings if they choose, but there will be a $25 fee to participate in all three sessions, or $9 per session. See below for details.

To sign up for the chorus as a non-student, register by Friday, June 6. Call the UT Department of Music at 419.530.2448 or email thearts@utoledo.edu. Music fee is due by Tuesday, June 10.

Summer Sings — Music of the Masters, Tuesdays, July 15, 22 and 29. The Summer Sings program serves to promote choral masterworks through voice on experience. On three successive Tuesday evenings, a conductor will instruct choral singers in a study session of a major choral gem culminating in a straight run-through performance.

— July 15 — “Jesu, meine Freude” by Johann Sebastian Bach
Dennis Blubaugh, musician and owner of nationally acclaimed Musical Resources, will be the first conductor. Singers shouldn’t worry about German pronunciation; neutral syllables likely will be employed.

— July 22 — Mozart’s “Requiem”
Dr. Steve Hodge, director of choral activities at The University of Toledo since 1989, will conduct Mozart’s “Requiem.” This staple in the choral repertoire will receive special attention so participants experience the intensity of emotion this work is famous for.

— July 29 — Handel’s “Messiah”
Dr. Sandra Frey Stegman, associate professor of choral education at Bowling Green State University, will lead the assemblage through the less well-known but powerful choruses of Handel’s “Messiah.”

Register by Tuesday, July 1, and save. Fee is $25 to participate in all three sessions, or $9 per session. (No charge for students taking the University Summer Chorus as a class, since Summer Sings is part of the course.) After July 1, fee is $27 for all three sessions or $10 per session.

ArtSongHeaderArt Song Festival and Workshop — “American Song Book,” Monday through Friday, June 23-27. The Art Song Festival and Workshop, directed by Dr. Denise Ritter Bernardini, UT assistant professor of music, is dedicated to promoting recital performances as well as training singers and collaborative pianists in the fine art of recital planning and performance. Each participant takes classes in diction, stage movement, vocal coaching, professional development, voice lessons and master classes.

Workshop faculty members are master teachers and professionals who have sung nationally as well as internationally. Coaches are professionals who have collaborated with some of the world’s finest singers and have worked at regional opera houses.

The music for this year’s festival will be drawn from American composers, including Aaron Copland and Gershwin. Festival classes will be held on Main Campus, with performances held in the Center for Performing Arts Recital Hall Wednesday, June 25, and Friday, June 27, at 7 p.m. both nights.

Register by Monday, June 2, or late fee of $25 will apply. Cost is $375 and includes all music and materials needed to participate. For details, visit artsongfestival.com.

SJIcomboSummer Jazz Institute — Jazz Voice Track, Sunday through Saturday, June 15-21. The UT Summer Jazz Institute is the place where all levels of jazz students can discover and achieve their potential through study in one of four programs: instrumental jazz, vocal jazz, teacher training and jazz appreciation.

The curriculum is designed to provide fundamental, intermediate and advanced jazz experiences for talented high school, undergraduate and graduate college students. The institute provides a positive and fun learning environment through lectures, master classes, jam sessions, performances and a recording experience. Participants immerse themselves in improvisation, performance, arranging and pedagogy with established professional jazz musicians and educators.

Register by Monday, June 2, or a $25 late fee will apply. Fee is $500 and includes lunch each day plus all music and materials required to participate. For details, visit summerjazz.utoledo.edu.

To register online or for more information on these and other UT Department of Music Summer Music Workshops, click here.