The UT chapter of Zeta Phi Eta, a national professional communication and arts and sciences fraternity, will host the Future Leaders Series Thursday, Nov. 17, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Rocky’s Attic in the Thompson Student Union.
The professional development event will feature a discussion panel with several business representatives from local companies, including The Blade, Hart Inc., BCSN, 9.25 KISS FM and UT’s social media team.
This will be a great opportunity for students who are interested in broadcasting, radio, marketing, public relations, journalism and higher education to network and build relationships with area companies, according to Zach Harig, professional development chair of the UT chapter of Zeta Phi Eta. Bringing resumés is encouraged.
“As an organization, we feel that it is essential for fellow students to get a firsthand look at what their respective career fields look like. For example, what it takes to be successful, things you might experience, and how to land the dream job,” Harig said.
Zeta Phi Eta is hosting this event to start a dialogue among underclassmen about the communication field as a whole and professionalism within it.
Savannah Joslin, president of Zeta Phi Eta at UT, said, “It’s important for students to start making connections in the field early so they can seek out internships and experiential learning opportunities.”
“I truly hope this event, which features several incredible speakers and professionals inside the communication field, can help benefit fellow UT students,” Harig said.
Harig added he hopes students walk away motivated to work harder in their career fields.
“These speakers have years of experience and, in turn, have worked in different environments that bring several different and unique lessons and pointers for students,” Harig said.
The free, public event is geared toward students who are studying or looking to learn more about the communication and marketing field.
For more information, contact, or follow Zeta Phi Eta on Twitter @zeta_utoledo.