Group photo in shape of heart to be taken as for National Wear Red Day Feb. 3

February 1, 2017 | Athletics, Events
By Steve Easton

The University of Toledo campus community is invited to show its support for the American Heart Association’s 14th annual National Wear Red Day for Heart Awareness.

wear-red-day-poster-webA group photo in the shape of a heart of UT faculty, staff and students wearing red will be taken Friday, Feb. 3, at 10 a.m. inside the Fetterman Training Center.

“We are trying to get as many people to be a part of our picture as possible so that we can show how much we care about fighting heart disease,” said Toledo Women’s Golf Coach Nicole Hollingsworth, who experienced a heart episode in 2015. “Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, and I have been very involved with the American Heart Association since November of 2015 educating others on what we can do to change this outcome.”

Hollingsworth added that President Sharon L. Gaber, Vice President and Director of Athletics Mike O’Brien, Executive Vice President for Clinical Affairs and Dean of the College of Medicine and Life Sciences Christopher Cooper, and UTMC Cardiologist Laura Murphy are scheduled to be there for the photo.

The Fetterman Training Center is located next to Savage Arena. Individuals interested in being a part of the photo can enter the Fetterman facility at the ramp that is located by the UT track.