The University of Toledo is raising awareness about domestic violence throughout October.
An Empty Place at the Table installation will be on display at on-campus dining facilities during the month for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The empty tables include place settings that share the stories of the Silent Witness Project, a collaborative project with the Bethany House, a long-term shelter in northwest Ohio for survivors and their children who are escaping domestic violence.
The tables are decorated in purple to coincide with the Purple Ribbon Campaign to encourage individuals to speak out against intimate partner violence. Purple ribbons, which are a symbol of courage, survival, honor and dedication to ending intimate partner violence, will be handed out Tuesday, Oct. 26, on Main Campus and Thursday, Oct. 28, on Health Science Campus as part of weekly tabling by the Title IX Office throughout the month to provide information and resources on the office and its sexual misconduct prevention programming.
“The University is committed to addressing and preventing sexual violence. October is a very important month that brings continued awareness around domestic and intimate partner violence,” said Valerie Simmons Walston, interim vice president for student affairs at UToledo. “The Title IX Office is an important resource for those impacted by domestic violence and intimate partner violence. I am so proud of the Title IX Office’s continued efforts to bring awareness through important educational programs such as the Empty Place at the Table installation, which reflects on the stories of those who have lost their lives to domestic violence.”
Throughout October the Title IX Office also will host bystander intervention and consent culture trainings available virtually and in person. The 90-minute trainings will provide participants with the skills to identify behaviors on a continuum of violence, develop empathy for those who have experienced violence, practice safe and appropriate intervention skills, and commit to intervening before, during and after an incident of sexual misconduct occurs. Sign up for a training on Invonet.
The Dialogues on Diversity series organized by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion will kick off the academic year with a conversation titled Intersectionality in Intimate Partner Violence. This conversation will explore how race, class, gender and sexuality shape intimate partner violence. The virtual conversation will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 21, on Webex.
In addition, the UToledo Counseling Center is holding workshops to help students enhance their relationships with themselves and others. The two programs, Relationships 101 and Self-Esteem 101, will be held multiple times throughout fall semester for participants to discuss self-esteem, healthy relationship norms, setting boundaries and communication. Sign up for a training on Invonet.