‘Empty Place at the Table’ Returns in Recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October 6, 2022 | News, UToday, Alumni, Library, UToledo Health
By Staff

“Empty Place at the Table” installations will be on display at various on-campus dining facilities during October for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The tables are decorated with purple centerpieces and stories of individuals in northwest Ohio who have lost their lives to domestic violence.

The stories on display at the tables are on loan from the Silent Witness Project housed within Bethany House, a long-term shelter in Northwest Ohio for victims and their children who are escaping domestic violence.

“Empty Place at the Table” installations will be on display at various on-campus dining facilities during October for Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Among the stories:

Joscelyn Jones, 16, a junior at Start High School in Toledo, who was stabbed and strangled by her ex-boyfriend in August 2015. She died three weeks later, having never regained consciousness. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

To read stories like this, visit the installations at dining locations in Thompson Student Union, Ottawa House East, North Engineering Building, Carlson Library and the Four Seasons Bistro at The University of Toledo Medical Center.

The installations demonstrate the devastating results of domestic violence and help ensure that victims are not forgotten. It is a powerful reminder that these tragic deaths left an empty place not only in the lives of their families but also in the community.

“Partnerships, like Rocket Dining and Bethany House, play a key role in educating the whole UToledo community,” said Vicky Kulicke,  director of Title IX and compliance and Title IX coordinator. “Raising awareness of sexual misconduct, including intimate partner violence, is a continued goal of the Title IX Office, and we want to encourage conversations about the importance of healthy relationships.”

“Through the installation, we are able to open eyes to the seriousness and prevalence of this issue,” said Centraya Forbes, Title IX graduate assistant. “We never want to forget those who lost their lives to domestic violence, and we hope those who stop by the installations take time to process the tragedies of the stories for continued awareness.”

“The University is committed to addressing sexual misconduct, including dating and domestic violence,” said Douglas Huffner, associate vice president for risk management and chief risk officer.  “The Title IX Office is a critical resource for those impacted, and their continued efforts to bring awareness through important educational programs, such as Empty Place at the Table, is something I am proud of.”

UToledo’s Title IX Office ensures compliance with federal law. Title IX Office investigates all reports of sexual misconduct, implements supportive measures when necessary and works to remedy the effects of sexual misconduct.

For more information about Title IX, the sexual misconduct education program, where to report an incident related to Title IX or additional resources, call 419.530.4191, stop by the office in Snyder Memorial Building Room 1120 or visit the UToledo Title IX website.