Mark Sterner made a decision while on spring break that affected many lives. He’ll talk about that decision in a presentation, “DUI: A Powerful Lesson,” Monday, Feb. 9, at 8:30 p.m. in Savage Arena on Main Campus.
Sterner will share the bad decisions that changed his life — and killed three of his fraternity brothers. He was left in the hospital critically injured and faced felony counts of manslaughter. Sterner will show a video he and his friends made of their spring break; it ends minutes before the crash — and puts real faces to the tragic consequences of impaired driving.
He has been a keynote speaker for the Northeastern Greek Leadership Association, Western Regional Greek Leadership Association and the Mid-American Collegiate Health Association.
This presentation is mandatory for all UT student-athletes and most Greek organizations. Anyone interested is invited to attend.
Sterner’s presentation is funded by an NCAA Choices Grant and the UT Greek Life Council.
For more information, contact Intercollegiate Athletics at 419.530.5297.