UT student input needed to build downtown Toledo master plan

February 12, 2016 | Events, UToday, — Languages, Literature and Social Sciences
By Christine Billau

Students at The University of Toledo are invited be part of the 22nd Century Committee’s development of a master plan for downtown Toledo.

The UT Department of Geography and Planning and the UT Urban Affairs Center will host a public meeting Monday, Feb. 15, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Student Union Room 3018.

Planning for Downtown:Ê  Livability, Innovation, and the Future“It is critical that this process include new students and millennials,” said Cindy Kerr, executive director of the Downtown Toledo Improvement District. “They should have an impact and a stake in the future considering their most sought-after residential location after graduation is downtown. We want to make sure their voices are heard so developers continue to offer things that interest them and promote growth for generations.”

“At Monday’s meeting, we will go through our initial analysis for downtown Toledo,” said Andrew Overbeck, principal at MKSK, a landscape architecture, urban design and planning firm. “We will open up the meeting for questions and discussion in order to capture the wisdom of the students.”

“Young professionals interested in being involved in what downtown Toledo could look like in the future should attend the meeting,” said Dr. Patrick Lawrence, UT professor and chair of geography and planning. “What would make you stay in Toledo after graduation?”

The 22nd Century Committee, a public-private partnership of 27 local government, business, nonprofit, labor and education leaders, was created to bring together the many plans for downtown development into a single, comprehensive master plan. Learn more about the group’s activities by visiting downtowntoledoplan.com.