Tickets on sale to see Yanshan University performance troupe

March 1, 2018 | Arts, Events, UToday
By Vicki L. Kroll

Traditional Chinese dance, music and martial arts will be in the spotlight in northwest Ohio next month.

“Whispering Dreams of a Spring Breeze” will be presented by a performance troupe from Yanshan University Wednesday, March 14, at The University of Toledo. The show will start at 7 p.m. in Doermann Theatre.

The 14-member group will dance, sing, and play Chinese zithers, fiddles and pipas. In addition, there will be martial arts demonstrations.

“It’s always a great honor to have professional Chinese art troupes come in and give our community an opportunity to experience something new and beautiful,” Xinren Yu, international program coordinator for the Center for International Studies and Programs, said. “We are delighted the Confucius Institute has the resources that can support to bring the group on campus and give the community an international experience.”

From graceful Chinese folk dances to moving, beloved songs and displays of strength and agility in martial arts, the show will be something to behold, according to Yu.

“Some of the performers are well-known in China and very active in various national stages and performances,” he said. “We are lucky to have the chance to see them.”

Tickets for the 90-minute show are $5 and available at Ask Rocky in the Thompson Student Union and online with a $1.22 processing fee here.

The performance troupe also will appear at Bowling Green State University Monday, March 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Kobacker Hall and at Lourdes University Monday, March 19, at 7 p.m. in the Franciscan Center.

Tickets for all three shows will be available at Ask Rocky.

For more information on the performances, email