The Title IX Office is bringing a new awareness campaign to The University of Toledo throughout March, the Green Flag Campaign.
Students, staff and faculty will see green flags on Centennial Mall with handwritten words or phrases. Each flag was written by UToledo students, faculty and staff during February’s Healthy Relationship Month campaign, answering the question: What does a healthy relationship mean to you?
As college students navigate the complex dynamics of relationships, it’s crucial to recognize signs of a healthy partnership. While people often highlight red flags and warning signs in prevention work, understanding green flags is also important. These are the sometimes subtle but significant indicators of a relationship founded on mutual respect, communication and support.
Common green flags you will notice this year include trust, empathy, respect, boundaries and love.
“A healthy partnership is the cornerstone of every relationship, whether it be romantic, familial, friendly or professional,” said Doug Huffer, associate vice president for Risk Management and chief assurance officer. “Together as Rockets, let us continue the University’s mission of Improving the Human Condition, by celebrating the qualities that make our community strong.”
Each person brings their own set of values, boundaries, and needs to a relationship. Green flags are present when these elements are acknowledged, respected and nurtured by both partners. While the expression of green flags may differ from one relationship to another, the underlying theme remains the same — that each person is committed to nurturing a healthy relationship.
If you or someone you know needs resources or help with healthy relationships, domestic and dating violence, and sexual harassment, the Title IX Office is available to the UToledo Community members. The University of Toledo Title IX Office ensures compliance with federal law, and investigates reports of sexual misconduct, implements supportive measures when necessary and works to remedy the effects of sexual misconduct.
For more information about Title IX, the sexual misconduct education program, where to report an incident related to Title IX or additional resources, call 419.530.4191, stop by the office in Snyder Memorial Building Room 1120, or visit the UToledo Title IX website.