Low temperatures expected in the 20s this weekend will temporarily freeze work on the Arlington Avenue construction project.
“Due to the cold temperatures anticipated for Saturday and Sunday, April 9 and 10, Crestline Paving will not be able to apply the base asphalt and will need to adjust the closing of entrances,” Doug Collins, UT director of grounds and off-site facilities, said.
That means pushing back the weekend closure schedule for some Health Science Campus entrances off Arlington Avenue.
From Friday at 5 p.m. through Monday at 7 a.m., the following entrances are slated to be closed on:
• April 15 — entrance 1 and 4 (West Medical Loop and East Medical Loop); and
• April 22 — entrance 2 (Hospital Drive).
Entrance 3 (Library Circle) will remain closed during phase two of the construction project, which is scheduled to be complete Friday, May 6.
Detour signs will be placed prior to entrance closings.
Those who frequent The University of Toledo Medical Center and Health Science Campus are encouraged to use the Glendale Avenue entrance as the construction project will continue through June.
For more information on repairs or the construction schedule, contact Collins at 419.530.1018.