UT students to help raise funds to feed the hungry

April 16, 2009 | Events, UToday
By Megan Lewis

Feeding the hungry of northwest Ohio is a recent project assignment for a University of Toledo Public Relations Practices class.

Julie Pompa, part-time communication instructor, required students to organize the third annual Empty Bowls event titled “The Art of Soup” that will take place Sunday, April 19, from noon to 3 p.m. at the Toledo Botanical Garden Conference Center, 5403 Elmer Drive.

The event consists of a lunch, including soup, bread and beverages, as well as an art exhibit of ceramic and glass bowls that symbolize the empty bowls in the world and the importance of alleviating hunger.

Pompa said the students have remained enthusiastic about the assignment. “The project is giving them practical experience in media relations, event planning and management while giving back to the community.”

The class has arranged for food and art to be donated by local restaurants, artists and businesses.

“Working on the Empty Bowls event has given us a fun opportunity to get real-world experience. It is also great to know that we are working to help the Toledo Food Bank,” said 23-year-old student Kristin Cavanagh.

Admission for the event is $5, and all the proceeds go to the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank.

For additional information, call 419.351.2132 or visit www.toledofoodbank.org.