Annual Alcohol and Other Drug Report Available Online

April 24, 2020 | News, UToday
By Staff

In accordance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and related regulations, The University of Toledo is providing the campus community with information about its alcohol and other drug programs, policies, sanctions and the risks associated with use.

UToledo’s Annual Notification of Alcohol and Other Drug Information 2019-20 is available online.

The report also provides information about on-campus and community resources available for individuals who may need assistance with drug or alcohol addiction.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 requires institutions of higher education to review their alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention programs and policies every two years and send notification to their constituents annually.

“At UToledo, we’ve decided to send notification each semester to ensure all members of our campus community receive this information on a timely basis,” said Elliott Nickeson, Clery Act compliance officer. “In addition to being compliant, we want to make sure everyone has information readily accessible about the detrimental health effects of drugs and alcohol.”