Youth sports program accepting applicants

May 22, 2014 | Events, UToday, — Health Sciences
By Lindsay Mahaney

The University of Toledo National Youth Sports Program (NYSP) still has openings for its 45th annual three-week camp, which will start Monday, June 9, and continue through Friday, June 27, at the Health Education Building.

NYSP copyCamp sessions are held Monday through Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The program was started at UT in 1968 with the goal of providing economically disadvantaged youth, ages 10 to 16, the chance to receive regular sports instruction and nutrition education programs. UT is one of 31 universities that offers the program nationwide. However, this year, for the first time, 9-year-olds will be allowed to participate as well.

Paige Dagenhard, liaison for the NYSP director and UT doctoral teaching assistant, said she is looking forward to this year’s camp and all the activities that will be available.

“This is a really awesome program,” she said. “We’re really lucky to be able to do this.”

This year’s camp will include swimming, track and field, basketball, and recreation therapy activities such as crafts or physical exercises. Several educational nutrition classes will be offered as well.

Daily lunches will be provided, an on-site nurse will be available, and transportation to and from camp will be offered daily. Participants also will be able to go on several field trips throughout the summer; these will include a trip to a petting zoo and to Olander Park where the Merickle-Farley Trout Club will teach campers how to fish.

Applications are available at the Mott, Sanger, Reynolds Corners and Lagrange branch libraries; in Health and Human Services Building Room 1003 on UT’s Main Campus; Toledo-Lucas County Health Department; and Lucas County Metropolitan Housing Authority. They also are online here.

To participate, individuals need to have a physical completed in 2014. The program is offering free physicals Wednesday, May 28, at the Center for Health Services located at 2150 W. Central Ave. in Toledo.

Donations are being accepted to help fund camp activities. Both monetary and item donations, including gift cards, T-shirts and play equipment, are welcome, Dagenhard said.

“We are completely non-funded,” she said. “We run completely on donations and what people give us.”

To donate, call Dagenhard at 419.530.2888 or email

Call the National Youth Sports program staff for more information at 419.530.2888.