Online Gallery Features UToledo Artist in Solo Exhibition

June 11, 2024 | News, UToday, Alumni, Arts and Letters
By Nicki Gorny

Blue Koi Gallery, an online platform that hosts monthly juried art shows and exhibitions, is hosting a solo exhibition featuring the mixed media work of Barbara Miner in June and July.

Miner, professor and chair of the Department of Art at The University of Toledo, was awarded the solo exhibition through a national competition.

A mixed media work called Blue Leaves by Barbara Miner, professor and chair of the Department of Art at The University of Toledo.

Barbara Miner, professor and chair of the Department of Art, used stencils, spray paint, markers and digital tools to create the 10 abstract works featured in her solo exhibition.

Miner used stencils, spray paint, markers and digital tools to create the 10 abstract works featured in the solo exhibition, which, like her broader body of work, are informed by the nexus of human-nature interaction and the practice of meditative repetition.

“I live in a 15-acre woodlot in an area of Ohio called the Great Black Swamp,” she writes in an artist statement. “I walk the property every day and I am struck by the clash between the speed of the external digital world, and my sanctuary-bubble where the slow and steady reclamation of human-abandoned fields by the natural world continues on relentlessly. Virginia creeper, ash saplings and thistle repopulate lawns wrenched from the rich black soil. Any tiny space that is left ‘unimproved’ by weed killer or asphalt becomes a complex and layered miniature biome for mosses and insects. Rather than duplicate what I see, I strive to create an impression of what I experience during my time in nature.”

Miner’s solo exhibition can be viewed on the Blue Koi Gallery website.

For more information on the artist, go to her personal website.

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