Law professor’s article twice-named one of 10 best for 2012

July 2, 2013 | News, UToday, Law
By Rachel Phipps

A recent article by Geoffrey Rapp, Harold A. Anderson Professor of Law and Values, has been named to two lists of noteworthy 2012 law review articles.



Tax Notes identified Rapp’s article titled “Mutiny by the Bounties: The Attempt to Reform Wall Street by the New Whistleblower Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act,” published in a 2012 edition of the Brigham Young University Law Review, as one of the 10 most notable articles on employee benefits published last year.

According to Tax Notes, Rapp’s article on the Dodd-Frank bounty program “pieces together why the Dodd-Frank provisions were drafted the way they were,” and “proposes two fixes” that “would go a long way to promoting [Dodd-Frank’s] whistleblower provisions,” and makes “significant recommendations.”

Rapp’s “Mutiny by the Bounties” article also recently was recognized by Donald C. Langevoort, the Thomas Aquinas Reynolds Professor of Law at Georgetown University, as one of eight to 10 securities law articles published in the law reviews during 2012 especially worthy of a wider audience. Rapp’s article will be included in Securities Law Review 2013, published by the West Group and edited by Langevoort.

“Geoff Rapp is noted for innovative and creative scholarship that has an impact on major legal controversies. It is no surprise that his article has achieved this recognition,” said Daniel J. Steinbock, dean of the College of Law.

Rapp teaches and writes in the areas of corporate law and torts. He has written more than 30 law review pieces, including works published in some of the nation’s top law reviews. In 2011, Rapp testified before the U.S. Congress on the topic of Dodd-Frank whistleblower bounties.

His piece is the second by a UT College of Law professor in recent years to be included in a Tax Notes listing of noteworthy articles. Professor Kelly Moore’s 2010 Southern Illinois University Law Journal article, “Previously Taxed Property Credit and the 2035(b) Gross Up,” was identified as one of 10 important estate and gift tax articles by Tax Notes in 2011.