University to host clean energy workshop, interactive trade show

July 24, 2012 | Events, UToday
By Samantha Watson

On Saturday, Aug. 18, the Sierra Club and The University of Toledo will present an interactive workshop and trade show in the Student Union on Main Campus from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. to highlight the benefits of clean energy in northwest Ohio.

“The clean energy industry is booming in northwest Ohio, creating jobs, advancing technology, and lifting Ohio’s economy,” said Natalie Fox, conservation program coordinator for the Ohio Chapter of the Sierra Club. “The University of Toledo has paired up with the Sierra Club to engage the community, educate neighbors, and help build a sustainable future for northwest Ohio.”

Those who attend this free, public event will be able to ask energy-related questions at roundtable discussions with experts from both the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. Discussions will include topics such as home energy efficiency, environmental economics, solar and wind energy in northwest Ohio, and educational opportunities in renewable energy.

Guests also will have the opportunity to take an optional lunch tour of the renewable energy facilities at UT’s Scott Park Campus of Energy and Innovation. Facilities shown will be UT’s solar arrays, wind turbine and solar car charging station.

Refreshments will be served at the event, which will have optional activities for kids.

RSVPs are requested for the event by Saturday, Aug. 4. Separate RSVPs are required for both the kids’ activities and lunch tour by Saturday, Aug. 4.

For questions or to RSVP, contact Fox at 740.856.8084.

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