American Red Cross in need of donors for blood drive at UTMC

July 27, 2018 | Events, UToday, UToledo Health
By Marla Gootee

The American Red Cross will host a blood drive at The University of Toledo Medical Center Wednesday, Aug. 1, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The organization needs more donors due to an emergency blood shortage.

“We need approximately 35 to 40 students, faculty and employees to come to the drive,” Angela O’Brien, account representative with the American Red Cross, said.

Blood donations from high school and college blood drives account for nearly 20 percent of the supply during the school year, but drops dramatically during the summer, O’Brien explained.

Blood has become a critical need by many with someone requiring a donation every two seconds in the United States, according to the American Red Cross. One donation has the potential to save up to three lives.

The American Red Cross is responsible for providing 40 percent of the nation’s blood, which comes from volunteers.

Less than 38 percent of the population is eligible to donate blood with only about 10 percent of eligible individuals donating, so it is crucial that those who meet eligibility requirements register to become a donor, O’Brien said.

To learn more about eligibility requirements, click here.

Individuals planning to attend the blood drive should come prepared by eating iron-enriched food beforehand, drinking water before the day of the drive, and getting rest, O’Brien added.

Donors will need to present a valid ID on the day of the drive.

Donors can save time by using the rapid pass on their blood app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play or accessing the pass via

To schedule an appointment and become a donor for UTMC’s blood drive, visit and enter the sponsor code UTMED or call 1.800.733.3767.

All donors who give blood at the drive will receive a $5 Amazon gift card.