Five Rocket Men’s Basketball Players Earn Spot in NABC Honors Court

July 29, 2021 | Athletics, News, Alumni, Business and Innovation, Judith Herb College of Education
By Paul Helgren

The University of Toledo men’s basketball program led the Mid-American Conference and tied for fourth nationally with five Rockets being named to the 2020-21 National Association of Basketball Coaches Honors Court. AJ Edu, Spencer Littleson, Setric Millner Jr., JT Shumate and Blake Williams each received the honor for their strong performances in the classroom.

Littleson possesses a 3.791 GPA as a graduate student pursuing his MBA, while Williams graduated with a 3.640 GPA in finance. Shumate holds the highest GPA on the team with a 3.967 figure in middle-childhood education, while Edu and Millner Jr. have 3.606 and 3.267 GPAs in accounting and business, respectively.

To be eligible, a student-athlete must be a member of the varsity squad with junior or senior status and hold a cumulative 3.2 grade-point average or higher at the conclusion of the academic year.