‘The Relevant University’ to air Aug. 26

August 25, 2014 | Events, Research, UToday, — Languages, Literature and Social Sciences, Engineering
By Meghan Cunningham

Tune in to “The Relevant University” Tuesday, Aug. 26, at 7 p.m. on AM 760 WJR.

Relevant U logo 2014This month, Lawrence J. Burns, UT vice president for external affairs, is joined by Richard Hylant, a member of the Board of Directors for the Great Lakes Protection Fund, to discuss the health of the Great Lakes after a toxic algal bloom in Lake Erie caused an advisory on Toledo’s drinking water for a half million people.

In this month’s episode:

• Richard Hylant shares the work of the Great Lakes Protection Fund to protect and restore this important natural resource.

• Dr. Isabel Escobar, UT professor of chemical and environmental engineering, and expert in water treatment and desalination membrane technology, and Dr. Patrick Lawrence, UT professor and chair of geography and planning, who recently led a restoration project of the Ottawa River that flows through the University’s Main Campus, share their water quality expertise about what led to Toledo’s recent water crisis.

• Lana Pollack, chair of the International Joint Commission, talks about how a cooperative approach between the United States and Canada is needed to protect the Great Lakes.

• And Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur discusses the changes needed to prevent continued water quality concerns for the many people who depend on Lake Erie.

The University and Detroit’s WJR Radio produce the monthly, hourlong program that explores the critical role higher education plays in our world.

Listen at utoledo.edu/therelevantuniversity.