Middle East scholar to speak Oct. 11 on ‘Prospects of Peace in Palestine and Israel’

October 8, 2015 | Events, UToday, — Languages, Literature and Social Sciences
By Samantha Watson

For the last two decades, Dr. Thomas P. Abowd has been involved in activist and scholarly projects related to the Middle East.

At 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 11, Abowd will share some of that knowledge at the 15th annual Maryse and Ramzy Mikhail Memorial Lecture that will be held in the Driscoll Alumni Center Auditorium at The University of Toledo.

book coverHis free, public lecture is titled “Jerusalem and the Prospects for Peace in Palestine/Israel.”

Abowd teaches in the departments of Anthropology, American Studies and the Colonialism Program at Tufts University in Massachusetts. A Toledo native, Abowd completed his PhD in cultural anthropology at Columbia University in 2003 and has done extensive research in Palestine and Israel on the politics of urban space, housing policy, racial politics, and land law in contemporary Jerusalem.

In 2014, Abowd published his book, Colonial Jerusalem: The Spatial Construction of Identity and Difference in a City of Myth, 1948-2012. He also has written articles on the gendered politics of residential space in Jerusalem.

Dr. Jamie Barlowe, dean of the UT College of Languages, Literature and Social Sciences, said, “The Maryse and Ramzy Mikhail Memorial Lecture is one of the oldest, continuous, and most important lecture series in the college. From its inception in 2001, featuring Noam Chomsky, to this year’s lecture by internationally recognized scholar Dr. Thomas Abowd, this lecture series has engaged the University and Toledo communities in greater understanding of Arab and Arab-American culture, history, literature, politics, economics, and issues of peace and justice.”

The Mikhail Endowment Fund was originally established through a donation from the Mikhail family to honor the work and contributions of Maryse Mikhail and her involvement in educational, philanthropic and interfaith organizations.

To help ensure that these lectures continue, consider donating. Secure online gifts may be made at give2UT.utoledo.edu. Be sure to designate fund #1301-005.

To mail in a donation, make checks payable to the UT Foundation with a notation of the Maryse and Ramzy Mikhail Endowment Fund (#1301-005). Gifts may be sent to The University of Toledo Foundation, P.O. Box 586, Toledo, OH 43607-0586.

This event is partially sponsored by the UT College of Languages, Literature and Social Sciences and WGTE.

For more information, click here or email mikhaillecture@gmail.com.