For students transferring from one college or university to another, the process often can be uncertain. Concerns about how earned credit hours will transfer, being admitted into a major of choice and communicating with someone who can answer their questions are often hurdles to continuing their education at a new institution.
To smooth the process and allay some of these concerns, The University of Toledo has updated the resources and processes for students transferring to UToledo, all built around a standardized transfer promise.
The UToledo Transfer Promise pledges that students will have responsive communication from admissions representatives, quickly learn what credits will transfer and learn their program acceptance within one week of submitting a completed application package.
“We want to make sure that students looking to continue or relaunch their academic journey have a clear idea of what they can anticipate and when they can accomplish their goal, with as few barriers to entry as possible,” said Mary Humphrys, chair and associate professor of applied organizational technology and special assistant.
Under the UToledo Transfer Promise, transfer students can expect:
• Personalized communications, including answers to their initial inquiry questions from an admissions representative within 48 hours.
• Review and processing of completed applications, including official evaluation of previously earned credits, which will be reflected on the UToledo degree audit and unofficial transcript.
• Official notification of their program acceptance and all applicable transfer credits within one week of submitting final, complete application materials.
While the promise is meant to provide a standard for meeting student expectations, it also provides a blueprint for advisors at partner colleges and universities.
“We’re in contact with so many advisors who are helping students to transfer,” said Robyn Marrufo, manager of transfer admissions. “Having a standard is important so we also can be a good partner with our higher education colleagues and provide them with the information they need to help their students navigate this process.”
In October, The University also launched a new transfer admission website, providing a step-by-step guide to the transfer process at UToledo. This is in conjunction with the establishment of the University’s Transfer Center, providing a one-stop-shop for students inquiring about or applying for transfer admission. Transfer admission staff have been co-located in the Transfer Center.
“Our transfer student population is important to enrollment at UToledo, and these students bring a unique perspective to the college-going experience on our campuses,” Humphrys added. “We want to make sure that they feel that value from their initial contact with us throughout their UToledo journey.”
To celebrate current UToledo students who have transferred to the University from other colleges or universities, UToledo will pass out T-shirts and host other on-campus activities during National Transfer Student Week, Oct. 18-22. Check Invonet for a complete list of activities.