Costume sale to help students, theatre shop

October 29, 2012 | Events, UToday, — Visual and Performing Arts
By Brian Purdue

As Halloween approaches, finding the perfect costume can be difficult, but a new fundraiser aims to solve that problem, save people money, and help students at the same time.

Members of the Alpha Psi Omega National Theatre Honors Society along with the Department of Theatre and Film Costume Shop will host a costume sale Wednesday, Oct. 31, from noon to 4 p.m. in the Center for Performing Arts.

All of the costumes that are being sold are unique pieces that have been featured in UT theatre productions. Prices will range from $1 to $15.

“The costume sale provides people with an opportunity to purchase handmade costumes for low prices so they can enjoy the holiday without breaking the bank,” said Sean Koogan, president of Alpha Psi Omega.

The idea started as a joint venture between the Center for Performing Arts Costume Shop and Alpha Psi Omega as a fundraising opportunity that would allow the shop to restock materials needed for upcoming shows and help students expand their education by helping to pay for workshops and conferences.

For further information, contact Koogan at