Learn to negotiate at business program

November 7, 2013 | Events, UToday, Business and Innovation
By Staff

The UT Center for Family and Privately Held Business will hold its annual recognition celebration

 Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 
5:30 p.m. at the Sylvania Country Club.



Dr. Joshua Weiss, co-founding senior fellow of the Global Negotiation Institute of the Harvard Negotiation Project, will give a presentation titled “How to Get to Yes When the Road is Paved With No.”

“The goal of this presentation is to make you a better negotiator,” said Angie Jones, program manager at the Center for Family and Privately Held Business. “This event will give you the tools required to successfully negotiate with customers, employees, suppliers and even family members.”

Weiss will cover:

• Strategies and tactics to help you gain confidence in negotiating;

• How to negotiate with different people in a variety of relationships;

• How to focus on interests, not positions; and

• Ways to employ objective criteria in negotiations.

“These negotiation tips will not only help you in your family business, but also in all aspects of your personal and professional life,” Jones said.

Center for Family Business logoFunded by the Jim and Celia Findlay Foundation, the evening will include networking, a light supper, and recognition of outgoing Center for Family and Privately Held Business advisory board members.

“We will pay special tribute to longtime center supporter and our dear friend, the late Jim Findlay, at this program,” Jones said.

Findlay, a respected business leader known for his philanthropy and love for UT, died Oct. 20 at age 87. A co-founder of the Center for Family Business, Findlay and his wife, Celia, were both UT graduates who gave back to their alma mater. The couple contributed more than $1.4 million to the University, establishing eight endowments and impacting the lives of countless students.

Registrations for the free, public event are requested by Wednesday, Nov. 13; go to http://utole.do/register.

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