UT Music Choral program to present three concerts

November 30, 2017 | Arts, Events, UToday
By Angela Riddel

The University of Toledo Department of Music choirs will present three concerts this December, including one featuring a guest choir, the Children’s Choir of Northwest Ohio.

On Saturday, Dec. 2, the UT Concert Chorale will perform “Abendmusik” (“Evening Music”) at 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 200 E. Broadway St., Maumee.

The UT Concert Chorale

This show will spotlight historical German church music to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The music of composers Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Tunder and Hugo Distler will be featured. Guest organist James Biery of Detroit and UT student chamber ensemble musicians will accompany the choir.

Tickets — $10; $5 for students, children and seniors — are available at utoledo.tix.com or by calling 419.530.2787. Tickets also will be available at the door.

On Sunday, Dec. 3, the UT Concert Chorale will perform at the Toledo Museum of Art Great Gallery Concert at 3 p.m.

The free, public show will include highlights from the chorale’s fall concert season.

On Friday, Dec. 8, the UT Choirs and the Children’s Choir of Northwest Ohio will perform at 7 p.m. in Doermann Theater.

A mix of holiday and secular music will be performed by the UT Men’s and Women’s Choruses, the UT Concert Chorale, as well as guest choir, the Children’s Choir of Northwest Ohio. The combined choirs also will perform “Sing dem Herrn” by German composer Michael Praetorius.

Tickets — $10; $5 for students, children and seniors — are available at utoledo.tix.com or by calling 419.530.2787. Tickets also will be available at the door.

For more information, contact Dr. Brad Pierson, assistant professor and director of choral activities in the UT Music Department, at 419.530.4558 or bradley.pierson2@utoledo.edu.