Starting Friday, Dec. 23, student spring semester parking permits will be available for purchase in the ParkUToledo parking portal.
Student permits are $133 per semester. Daily and monthly permits are also available for purchase in the parking portal. If you purchased a fall/spring permit, your parking permit is valid until the end of the spring 2023 semester, May 12, 2023.
Those with any existing balance on their account will not be authorized to purchase a long- or short-term parking permit until their balance is paid in full.
Purchasing hourly and daily permits via ParkMobile or paying to park in metered areas is an option for patrons until their citation balance is paid.
As a reminder, any citation balance that is unpaid after 90 days may be sent to collections.
Also, parking permits will not be enforced from Monday, Dec. 14, through Sunday, Dec. 18, and from Friday, Dec. 23, through Monday, Jan. 2. While parking will not be enforced for permit violations, it will continue for spaces that are reserved, disabled, metered and patient parking, and areas where there is no overnight parking permitted.
Parking permits will be enforced from Monday, Dec. 19, through Thursday, Dec. 22.
More information is available on the ParkUToledo website.