Part-Time Job Fair and Student Involvement Fair set for Aug. 30

August 28, 2017 | Events, UToday
By Cathy Zimmer

University Career Services and the Office of Student Involvement are collaborating to host a Part-Time Job and Student Involvement Fair Wednesday, Aug. 30, from noon to 3 p.m. on Centennial Mall.

This will be an opportunity for students to apply for on‐campus jobs or sign up with a student organization.

“The Part-Time Job Fair is a great opportunity for students to speak directly with campus employers and get their questions answered about job openings for the upcoming academic year,” said Shelly Drouillard, director of the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Services. “Last year, 3,100 UT students filled over 4,600 different jobs located primarily on Main and Health Science campuses.”

She added, “This year will be our first time hosting this event outdoors in collaboration with the Student Involvement Fair, and our hope is that the larger venue will increase student awareness, interest and participation in on-campus employment.”

“Getting involved in campus can nurture a student’s passions and enhance their skills,” said Donovan Nichols, assistant dean for student involvement and leadership. “Signing up with a student organization allows for students to discover new interests and provides a great venue to meet new people with similar interests.”

The fair will move indoors for inclement weather; the Part-Time Job Fair will move to Thompson Student Union Rooms 2582 and 2584, and the Student Involvement Fair will be held in the Thompson Student Union Auditorium.

Students who are unable to attend the fair can review and apply for on-campus employment on the Rocket Jobs website,

Career Services works to connect students to meaningful experiential learning and employment experiences and assists students with major and career exploration. The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership seeks to build community and is committed to providing students with opportunities for involvement that will enhance and complement their UT experience.