UT achieves Campus Pride Index listing

April 11, 2018 | News, UToday, Honors
By Christine Wasserman

The University of Toledo was recently included on the national Campus Pride Index for being LGBTQ-friendly and striving to continually improve its LGBTQ campus climate.

Because UT scored 3.5 out of 5.0 stars, it is now listed on the Campus Pride website.

“While this score indicates we are doing good work at UT with our LGBTQA+ community, there is still room for improvement,” noted Dr. Willie McKether, vice president of diversity and inclusion and vice provost. “The Campus Pride Index offers campuses a way to be formally recognized as LBGTA-friendly and accountable for continually improving their LGBTQA+ climate, and so we’re pleased to be acknowledged in this manner.” 

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Office of Multicultural Student Success, the LGBTQA+ Advisory Board and other various campus partners collaborated to complete the Campus Pride Index inventory for the University.

“UT does a great job on LGBTQA+ issues, and I hope we can further coordinate to have our scores reflect an even higher score in years to come,” said Dr. Glenn Sheldon, a professor in the Jesup Scott Honors College and chair of the University’s LGBTQA+ Advisory Board. “I know there are many individuals who strive to make our campus safe, welcoming and inclusive.”

“We want LGBTQA+ students, faculty and staff to be proud of being part of our diversity at UT,” said Matthew Perry, associate director for residence life. “As the LGBTQ liaison, I am excited and privileged to be a part of this important, collaborative work on campus.”

The Campus Pride Index features LGBTQ student opportunities by highlighting the positive work within colleges and universities in the U.S. Prospective students may review its website information to choose the best LGBTQ campus for them by searching a geographic region, area of study, cost, type of campus, and LGBTQ-inclusive policies, practices and programs.