New Student Convocation Launches Rocket Welcome Weekend Aug. 25

August 21, 2023 | Events, News, UToday, Alumni, Student Affairs
By Calvin Sweeney

The fall semester is just around the corner which means New Student Convocation.

Scheduled from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 25, at Savage Arena, New Student Convocation is the kick-off event for Rocket Welcome Weekend and serves as both a welcome and an introduction for incoming students into the Rocket Family.

UToledo freshman walk the stairs at Savage Arena at the beginning of 2022 fall semester as UToledo staff and faculty clap during the annual new student convocation.

New Student Convocation is the kick-off event for Rocket Welcome Weekend and serves as both a welcome and an introduction for incoming students into the Rocket Family.

Students will have the opportunity to hear from The University of Toledo President Gregory Postel and additional key administrators; to get pumped up by our athletic coaches; and to learn the classic Rocket chants and cheers from fellow student leaders.

“We are excited to welcome the newest class of Rockets home as they begin their collegiate journey,” said Dr. Sammy Spann, vice president of student affairs and dean of students.

“The Division of Student Affairs and the Division of Enrollment Management have an exciting lineup of events scheduled to help the new freshman class get acclimated to the campus and adjust to their new home. This is our opportunity to show students that we care about them and to demonstrate our Rocket pride.”

Members of Blue Key, cheerleaders and Blue Crew will perform the UToledo alma mater, “Fair Toledo,” and the University’s fight song, “U of Toledo,” as well as spirited cheers and chants.

Students also will learn details about picking up their UToledo Rocky’s Jet Packs which will include a flag, water bottle, planner and additional UToledo swag items.

Immediately following the Convocation, there we will be a carnival for both first-year students and returning students from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Glass Bowl featuring a mechanical bull, a rock climbing wall, carnival food and more.

The New Student Convocation is one of dozens of Welcome Weeks events scheduled from Friday, Aug. 25, through Saturday, Sept. 30, to help kick off fall semester. For a complete list of activities, visit the InvoNet Calendar.



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