Eberly Center for Women to Host Virtual Panel Discussion April 23

April 22, 2020 | Diversity, Events, News, UToday, Arts and Letters, Student Affairs
By Staff

“Women and COVID-19: Advancing Gender Justice Amidst a Pandemic” will be the topic of an online panel discussion Thursday, April 23, at 5:30 p.m.

The Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women will host the virtual event.

“The discussion will explore how gender, race, class and ability status shape women’s experiences with COVID-19 and the pandemic,” said Dr. Angela C. Fitzpatrick, director of the Eberly Center. “UToledo faculty and key leaders from the greater Toledo area will share what they are doing to advance gender justice and provide strategies for how we all can uplift women during this critical time.”

Panelists will be:

• Dr. Sharon Barnes, associate professor and chair the UToledo Women’s and Gender Studies Department;

• Nina Corder, founder and managing director of Women of Toledo;

• Dr. Ally Day, UToledo associate professor of disability studies;

• Lisa McDuffie, president and CEO of YWCA Northwest Ohio; and

• Wendy Pestrue, CEO and president of the United Way of Greater Toledo.

Join the virtual panel discussion on Webex.

The meeting number is 476 036 323, and the meeting password is equity.

For more information, visit the Involvement Network.