The 2021 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Exhibition is scheduled Monday-Friday, Dec. 6-10, on the main floor of Carlson Library, with the posters/creative activity projects on display all week.
Students will be present at their posters/creative activity projects to talk about their research and answer questions on Friday, December 10, from 9-10:30 a.m.
A special closing ceremony will follow at 10:30 a.m. in Carlson Library Room CL1005. Dr. Frank Calzonetti, vice president for research and professor of geography, will offer a closing message.
“I am so excited that the Office of Undergraduate Research is able to host a face-to-face research and creative activity exhibition for the first time in 2 years,” said Dr. Julie Murphy, director of Office of Undergraduate Research.
“We look forward to seeing undergraduate students from across campus sharing their work with members of the UToledo community.”