UT calendar of events relaunching

January 18, 2017 | Events, News, UToday
By Christine Wasserman

To improve communications, the University’s calendar of events is being relaunched as a single site and more convenient online tool that will house all on- and off-campus, UT-sponsored events to better serve students, faculty, staff, trustees and the public.

calendar-utnewsIn addition to featuring student and University events, this master calendar will include research, athletic and recreation events, as well as University lectures and conferences.

“This one-site master calendar will aid in planning and promoting events, plus ensure that major events don’t overlap,” Dr. Andrew Hsu, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, said. “We also want the calendar to reflect that the University is welcoming, student-centered and richly diverse in its offerings.”

Everyone has access to submit events to the calendar. Activities that should be posted on this master calendar include:

• University-sponsored events that the campus community and public may attend.

• UT-sponsored meetings that support transparency (for example, Board of Trustees and Faculty Senate meetings).

• Official academic calendar dates.

• Campus-wide student organization events and activities.

• Campus-wide alumni and UT Foundation events, such as Homecoming and pregame events, that are open to the public.

• Campus-wide athletic events and activities, including varsity athletic schedules.

• Events featured in UT News, UT NewsBreak and on the myUT portal.

Room scheduling, department meetings and events, personnel meetings, retirement announcements, and events not sponsored nor supported by the University should not be included on this calendar.

Individual areas within the University may continue posting these types of activities and meetings on their own calendars; however, the bulleted list of University-sponsored and campus-wide events above should always be mirrored on the master UT calendar of events.

Within the next couple of weeks, members of the UT calendar steering group will discuss use of the updated calendar with University deans.

To view the calendar, visit calendar.utoledo.edu, and a listing of the day’s events can be found on the myut.utoledo.edu page.