The University of Toledo Chamber Singers are among a select group of student ensembles set to perform at the 2025 Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) Professional Development Conference beginning Thursday, Feb. 6, in Cleveland.
The Chamber Singers will present a free, public concert previewing their program, titled “A Path to Hope,” at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30, in Doermann Theatre in University Hall.
The UToledo Chamber Singers are a select ensemble specializing in classical choral literature from the 16th through the 21st centuries.
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The UToledo Chamber Singers are a select ensemble specializing in classical choral literature from the 16th through the 21st centuries, including a cappella works, major works for chorus and orchestra, folk songs and spirituals.
The opportunity to perform at the annual professional development conference follows a competitive selection process. The Chamber Singers are one of 30 ensembles scheduled to perform over three days to showcase the talent of the state’s music students.
The OMEA Professional Development Concert is the third largest music conference in the country, with sessions presented by nationally recognized master teachers demonstrating research-based, best practices in the field of music education and technology.
“We are so honored to represent the University at this year’s conference,” said Micah Bland, director of choral activities and a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Music. “The students have been working hard and are excited for the opportunity to showcase their musical talents in this performance.”
“A Path to Hope” is a diverse collection of musical styles and cultures comprised of nine selections, four of which are works in a foreign language. Most selections were published by living composers within the past five years.
“All of the songs we are performing convey a sense of hope,” said Alicia Jenkins, a member of the ensemble and a senior studying multi-age education with a concentration in music. “I hope that the audience members feel inspired to push past any hardship that they may have in their lives.”
During the OMEA Professional Development Conference, the Chamber Singers will present their free, public performance at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6.
For more information, go to the OMEA website.