The University of Toledo Department of Theatre and Film will showcase a collection of original plays and films created by students during the third annual Festival of New Student Work beginning later this week. Each production features students in the roles of writers, directors, actors and costume and set designers as well as cinematographers, grips and managers.
Plays will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8, through Saturday, Feb. 10, and at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11, at the UToledo Center for Performing Arts Center Theatre, 1910 W. Rocket Drive. Films will be presented at the same location at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17, and Sunday, Feb. 18.
From left, Brandon Camp, Alyssa Augustyniak and Dayonna Embry perform a scene from ‘Negotiation,’ written by Gerardo Rosario. ‘Negotiation’ is featured in the 2024 Festival of New Student Work.
“This is the third year for our Festival of New Student Work, and each year the quality of the student work has gone up,” said Holly Monsos, professor and chair of the Department of Theatre and Film. “We’re very excited about this opportunity for our students to practice directly what they’re learning in our classes.”
Tickets for each day are $10 and can be purchased online through the UToledo website or at the box office before the performance.
Visitor parking is free only for the Sunday, Feb. 11, matinee performance in Area 12. All other visitor parking to the festival will require payment via the ParkMobile app, a parking meter or a daily permit via ParkUToledo. Visit the ParkUToledo website for more information.