Women’s Mentoring Network Breakfast April 4

March 29, 2023 | Diversity, Events, News, UToday, Alumni, Arts and Letters, Business and Innovation
By Staff

The Women’s Mentoring Network is hosting a complimentary breakfast and UToledo speakers Tuesday, April 4, in the Savage Arena Grogan Room as its signature spring event.

Titled “Women Supporting Women: Finding Our Common Connection,” the event runs from 8 to 10 a.m. and is open to all UToledo employees committed to women’s professional and personal development. Registration is required by Friday, March 31.

Scheduled speakers at the Women’s Mentoring Network signature spring event:

•  Dr. Anne Balazs, dean of the John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business, will provide the opening remarks;

•  Dr. Deborah Coulter-Harris, a senior lecturer in the Department of English Language and Literature, will provide a poetry reading;

•  Malaika Bell, director of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, will lead a Rocket Revolutions activity session; and

•  Brittany Kupresanin, a success coach in the Center for Success Coaching, will close the event with a mindfulness exercise.

The Women’s Mentoring Network seeks to develop, retain and support woman-identified Main and Health Science campus faculty and staff inclusive to all ranks and career levels.

“Talking about our differences can be difficult,” Bell said. “During this event, I will lead the group in a ‘Rocket Revolutions’ session. During these conversations, we’ll connect deeper with other women faculty and staff in a space where it is safe to share our experiences and how we’ve processed them.”

For more information and to RSVP to the Women’s Mentoring Network breakfast, visit the event’s webpage.